Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hello All,
I am looking for a publisher for the book, Steven goes to school. Several people read the rough copy and provided great feedback, children have also read the book, they were deeply touched.
Now to move onto the next step professional imput.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Steven goes to school

The book is written for 1st and 2nd graders. Steven goes to school is a happy book for the children in Uganda. Steven is lucky and happy that he can go to school.
His tuition each semester is $60.00. The school year in Uganda is from January to December. They go to school 3 months and then have 3 weeks off. They continue to go to school all Summer.

Steven goes to school

A 6 year old boy that lives in Uganda touched my heart and he is now my grandson. At Christmas time I was looking for a book to send him that was age appropriate and he would be able to relate to. Where he lives they do not have all of the glitz that we have surrounding us. I could not find one so I desided to write a book about him. This book will be sent to the elementary school that he attends as well as the Christian Mission Academy, in the village of Baaka